The recent saga in which a football fan was nagged after being caught with 273,000 MK in at Dedza stadium won’t be the final one its not the first one. Playing football is not easy and its very painful to see a player pocketing less than 20,000 after every match yet alot of people are pocketing alot of money without sweating. Players are living in shrugs yet alot of people are bulding houses,buying cars,living in a dream with money meant for the players. Could we say that there is no solution to this gate stealing problem? The answer is obvious,there is a solution,fam and sulom plus the sports council should come up with a ticket selling program for any match and for sure,this behaviour could decrease,its now too much,mind you,the one who was arrested yesterday was just unlucky but alot of people leaves the gates with thousands of money,our players are suffering,its high time we stop these fools who are enriching themselves from gate charges. Football players must enjoy their sweat not the gate collectors……@Andy!!!

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