There is no proof to this…the article says”
Joyce Banda who ascended into power as Malawi president soon after death of Bingu wa Mutharika has strategized well never to give away the government to the opposition parties by employing all the African ways of ruling parties returning to power. Some the formulas including, oppressing and pressing hard on opposition parties, filing silly courses to keep opposition parties busy with court cases as she will be campaigning freely, using public broadcaters to decampaign oppositions and or propagandize situation. The last and best of all is rigging votes before voting time arrives!

As the voter registration exercise enters its second phase in Malawi, In Mulanje the DPP – which is the main opposition party and likely to give tough time to Joyce Banda led by its National Campaign Director Honourable Kondwani Nankhumwa has managed to seize 3000 registration certificates from PP officials who were going around collecting them from un suspecting voters. Upon hearing the news, Justice Minister Ralph Kasambara and PP Spokesperson Hophmally Makande drove to the DC’s office and the Police where they lambasted officers there for allowing the Nankhumwa team do that. Elsewhere in Chikhwawa, Honourable Sidik Mia who is Malawi’s Transport Minister belonging to Joyce Banda party is busy getting voter serial numbers from people at K500 (about $2 US). Meanwhile the DPP promised to holding a press conference where evidence will be presented to the general public.”

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