Media practitioners and social commentators have condemned privately owned Galaxy FM for what they call unethical journalism over the station’s decision to announce a list of companies that are alleged to have been involved in the Capitol hill looting.

On Sunday afternoon, Galaxy FM went to town with a list of companies it claims have benefitted from the Capitol hill looting and the amount of cash they got as their share of the loot. The station went further to even announce the names of the owners of those companies of which some of them are top notch politicians in the ruling Peoples’ Party and current cabinet ministers including the Vice President, Khumbo Kachali.

The breaking news, however, has been condemned by journalists and non-journalists alike.

Writing on the Social media, Facebook, veteran journalist Eunice Chipangula, wondered if the list announced by Galaxy FM was an authentic one and if they had really verified it.

Her remarks were echoed by another broadcaster who was with Malawi Broadcasting Corporation, Dorothy Kachitsa, who described the conduct by Galaxy FM as unethical and ‘not on’ for a full radio station to be announcing names of the people involved when investigations are underway.

However, the station has its own backers of which among them is a well-known DPP supporter and former employee of MBC as well, Greyson Chapita, who has wondered why people are raising the alarm now when MBC has been holding such kangaroo courts over Mutharika estates.

Meanwhile, police are said to be hunting for Galaxy FM presenters, Sylvester Namiwa and Gerald Viola who hosted the programme on unknown charges. Viola has disclosed that today, October 22, at noon they will surrender themselves to police.


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