The presence of the Deputy Commissioner of Police who has almost taken over the Police service, Nelson Bophani, on the entourage and security detail of Paul Mphwiyo who has arrived in the country today has raised fears of him attempting to tamper with any evidence that Mphwiyo might give on his shooting or the Cashgate scam.

It has been reported that Bophani was one of the officers who traveled to South Africa to fetch Mphwiyo and was also among a group of police officers that have given a VIP security to one, Paul Mphwiyo, all the way from the airport to his home in Area 43 where he was shot at on a night of September 13.

Bophani has lately been accused of attempting to incite suspects in implicating others with the most notable allegation being that of him attempting to incite one Pika Manondo to implicate Ralph Kasambara in the shooting of Mphwiyo.

He has as well become actively involved in the running of the Police, pushing his boss, Loti Dzonzi, on the back seat and thereby earning himself the title of IG de facto of the Malawi Police Service.

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