Warn your friends and relatives to warn their friends not to use the Blantyre Market top Mandala road at night.  A friend  got attacked last night driving home. The scary part is: there is was police unit 100 metres away from where he got attacked.

A lot of countries during this time suffer from a crime rise.  As the thieves and criminals also want to enjoy their Christmas, poverty motivates them to take from the more fortunate and sometimes violence is involved, so please be careful and be safe.  Christmas time is a time to spend with family, we know that a lot of your relatives have come home and you want to see them and have fun with them the thieves also know this and they want to take advantage of this.  A customer at Spendrite pub, in New Napari Blantyre was also robbed a few days ago just a few kilometres from the bar when he was attached with people with guns and pangas.  Its believed that the attackers followed the customer there and waited for him, the man was hurt and his stuff was stolen.

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