Believed to be dead, President Robert Mugabe, of Zimbabwe who sat on the helm of the country since its independence is said to have already settled for a successor after his death, according to Iran.

Sources from Iran which as been a country close to Mugabe who has been shunned by various other countries indicate that Mugabe settled for a gentleman agreement with 65 year-old Emmerson Mnangagwa that he success him in case something bad strikes him.

The online media has been awash with reports that the 90 year-old President has succumbed to prostate cancer that he has been having for a time. However, official sources have said that Mugabe is just not in good health and is in Singapore for medical attention receiving support from doctors and family including wife Grace.

Known as ‘The Crocodile’, Mnangagwa is feared by many people within the ZANU PF ranks and is the current Minister of Justice in Zimbabwe.

Set to take over from Mugabe - Mnangagwa
Set to take over from Mugabe – Mnangagwa
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