President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has expressed shock over the death 8 people following heavy floods that have hit Mzuzu and Karonga district.

Northern Region especially, Mzimba, Mzuzu and Karonga has for the past one week receiving continuance downpour, rendering over one million people homeless with the worst hit district being Karonga and Mzuzu city.

Most of the deaths have been reported in Mzuzu with Chibavi, Chibanja, Masasa, Salisbury Line, Ching’ambo and Hill Top being hits Townships.

Writing on his official Facebook page on Sunday, Mutharika urged Malawians across the country to pray for the affected families.

“As we continue reflecting on God’s love and mercy today, let us continue praying for our brothers and sisters who have been affected by destructive floods in Karonga District and Mzuzu City townships of Chibavi, Chibanja, Masasa, Salisbury Line, Ching’ambo and Hill Top.

“May we commit through prayer the souls of those who have departed from amongst us into God’s hands for peaceful rest. In addition to prayer let us also extend a helping hand to those who have lost their loved ones and property,” wrote Mutharika.

Mutharika said he was following the events with keen interest and his has instructed government officials responsible for disaster management to be vigilant so that those affected are assisted accordingly.

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