Former Presidential Press Secretary to late Professor Bingu wa Mutharika, Chikumbutso Mtumodzi has been released on court bail after spending two days in police cell.

Mtumodzi was arrested on Wednesday on allegations that he was inciting venders to revolt against government.

Just after his arrested, Mtumodzi was rushed to Lilongwe City Centre clinic after a health scare.

Appearing before Lilongwe Magistrate Court, Mtumodzi pleaded not guilty on charges of conduct likely to cause breach of peace and obstructing a police officer whilst on duty.

When his lawyer Chimwemwe Sikwese of Sikwese and Company applied for court to release Mtumodzi on bail, the State prosecutor did not object and court granted bail with Reuters journalist Mabvuto Banda as one of the surities.

Mtumodzi together with former legal advisor to late Bingu wa Mutharika, Allan Ntata have been so critical of the current reign of President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika branding him as failure.

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