Mzuzu Chief Resident Magistrate Court has today on June 13, 2017 convicted and sentenced a 24-year old man identified as Austin Banda to 15-years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 11-year old girl.

The court, through state prosecutor, Felix Senzani heard that, Banda and the victim’s parents were neighbours. On May 27, 2017, Banda was caught red handed defiling the victim in a nearby maize field.

When the matter was reported to Luwinga Police Unit, the victim was issued with a medical report whose results indicated that defilement took place and Banda was arrested.

Appearing in court, Banda admitted to the charge but pleaded for a lenient punishment saying he is an orphan.

However, Senzani argued against Banda’s plea for leniency saying that, as a neighbour to the victim Banda was supposed to share the responsibility of protecting her not what he did. Senzani described Banda’s behaviour as a menace to the society that shouldn’t be blessed with leniency at all. Senzani then requested the court to slap Banda with a stiff sentence.

Before passing sentence, Chief Resident Magistrate, Gladys Gondwe said the victims of defilement cases remain traumatized for the rest of their life as memories of such babaric experiences will at times come back to haunt them. As such, Gondwe emphasized on the need for a stiff sentence on Banda that would send a strong warning and deter the would be offenders from committing the same. Gondwe therefore sentenced Banda to 15 years jail term.

Banda hails from Kamba Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nsabwe in Thyolo district.

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