Civil Society Organizations in the country have criticized Minister of Gender, Children, Disability and social welfare, Jean Kalirani for wearing DPP colours while in the united states of America for the United Nations general assembly (UNGA).

Kalirani wore the colours when welcoming President Peter Munthairika in New York on Saturday.

Jean Kalirani welcoming APM at UNGA in DPP attire

The move has attracted criticism from members of the general a public and CSO`s argue the minister`s attire reflected how the country values politics as opposed to the needs of people discussed at the forum.

The human rights consultative committee (HRCC) has said there is need to depoliticize international trips when president travels.

HRCC chairperson Robert Mkwezalamba, said when the president travels he represent the whole nation hence he and his team must avoid wearing party colours.

Robert Mkwezalamba

“It would have sense if the minister wore a Chitenje of tourism which could have at least, sold our nation as opposed to wearing a party uniform as if we (Malawians) are all DPP, he said.

Centre for Development of People Executive Director, Gift Trapence, said any minister on official duties should be able to separate political party from government official duties.

Gift Trapence

“The minister was wrong to politicize the UNGA trip. These are practices that can be managed. We can do better than this, he said.

However, DPP spokesperson, Francis Kansaila defended Kalirani saying, even though they are serving government, they are also members of the party.

Francis Kansaila

“What somebody decides to dress should not occupy our minds; it does not hurt anybody. We know that our colleagues (CSO`s) probably have too much time, that is why they focus on anything. When you go for a vote, you don`t vote for a government, you vote for a political party into government.

“Let’s accept that, according to our political system, it is a political party that governs, that’s it, said Kansaila.

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