A woman who went out to do her business and ended up drinking beer excessively didn’t get what she expected for day as she ran into some notorious men who raped her to death and dumped her body anywhere.

the now deceased woman

The incident is said to have happened in Ghana, Buokrom Limex Quarry suburb on Saturday, December 30.

Reports say the 37-year-old female drunkard who has been identified as Naomi Opoku went hawking plantain chips in the vicinity but got drunk at her usual drinking spot.

Local police report say after getting heavily intoxicated, she took her way home but upon reaching at some place, some men took turns on her and raped her to death.

Her body was found in the area the following day.

Preliminary police investigations reveal the body of the deceased was dumped in the street after the act.

On Monday, police arrested four suspects in connection to the matter.

One suspect is still at large.



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