A 21-year-old man of Lijoni village in Traditional Authority Nthalire has been arrested for causing death of a 60-year-old Mayamiko Kumwenda on August 13, 2019.

Chitipa police station public relations officer, Sub-Inspector Gladwell Simwaka, said on the day of the incident, the suspect identified as Sandikonda Siyame was ridding a motorcycle from Mahowe to Kapirinkhonde.

Upon arrival at Tuwale bridge, he hit a male pedestrian who was coming from opposite direction and he died on the spot.

Postmortem from hospital showed that the death was due to loss of blood secondary to severe head injuries.

The suspect will therefore be taken to court soon to answer a charge of Causing death by reckless ridding of a motorcycle.

The deceased hailed from Yadunda village in Traditional Authority Nthalire in Chitipa district.



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