The First Grade Magistrates Court in Mulanje on Monday ordered a couple to serve a jail term over a daughter’s defilement. The two are Francis Makatanje and Annita Kampango, his wife.

The court heard that on July 31 this year, the couple went to pray within some hills called Mwanamulanje.

While there, Francis Makatanje told the wife that God had told him to sleep with the girl so that he gets rich.

The girl objected to this idea but her parents insisted, threatening that if she refuses she would go mad.

The father then forcibly had sex with the victim in full view of the mother.

Despite threatening her not to reveal, the 15-year-old victim gathered courage and reported the issue to her aunt before later taking it to police at Namphungo.

Following the report, police arrested the father and charged him with an offence of defilement contravening section 138 (1) of the penal code.

Further investigations led to the arrest of the mother who was charged with an offence aiding defilement contrary to section 21 (c) of the penal.

Appearing before his worship Smart Maruwasa, they both pleaded guilty to their charges.

Police prosecutor, Sub Inspector Annock Fumbo prayed for stiff penalties describing the couples action as exploitative.

Although the two asked for leniency, Magistrate Maruwasa concurred with the state saying the two indeed required stiff penalties.

He therefore sentenced them to 14 years and 10 year IHL respectively saying this should serve as a deterrent factor to others.

Makatanje hails from Mkwapatira village while the wife comes from Khwalala village both under traditional authority Juma in the district.

Police reiterates warning the general public especially parents and guardians to be responsible by protecting their (girl) children from any violence.

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