The Constitutional Court in Lilongwe this morning is continuing hearing the landmark presidential elections case with third United Transformation Movement (UTM) witness Darlington Ndasauka.

Lawyer representing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale has taken the floor cross examining Ndasauka.

However Chikosa Silungwe, who is Saulos Chilima’s lawyer, has said Kaphale’s time of cross-examination will be capped to not more than an hour.

For the past days Mirriam Gwalidi was the one being cross examined by MEC, President Peter Mutharika and UTM lawyers.

UTM President Saulos Chilima and his counterpart Lazarus Chakwera are seeking for the nullification of the presidential election where the electoral body declared Mutharika winner of the disputed elections.

However, Mutharika has been insisting that the elections were free, fair and credible.

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