Reports reaching this publication indicates that a branch office belonging to United Transformation Movement (UTM) has been torched by midnight by unknown assailants in area 22, Lilongwe.

It is said the guard and some of his children have sustained burn wounds and were rushed to hospital by sympathizers.

A person who witnessed this while knocking off from a night shift from a company in the nearby township, area 36, said the fire may have been caused by a petrol bomb. It is said calls were made to police but proved futile as they went unanswered for almost an hour.

This comes after some people believed to be from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) petrol bombed a vehicle belonging to UTM’s Director of Women Mai Shaheeda Hussein.

State Vice President Dr Salos Klaus Chilima condemned the attack during a press conference held in the capital city, Lilongwe on Monday.

In his speech, Chilima described the attack as ploy by DPP to rig the forthcoming Presidential polls set for July 2, 2020.

“Professor Mutharika’s thugs attacked the home of Mai Shaheeda Hussein, a strong and pious Muslim lady who was attacked in the Holy Month of Ramadan while steadfastly observing the dictates of the religion she is devoted and loyal to.

“She is a powerless and defenceless woman who wronged no one. Her only crime was belonging to UTM. For that, DPP thugs believe is enough reason to terrorise and traumatize her. Such is the cowardice of those that sit in positions of power in this country – attacking women!,” said Chilima.

He went on to accuse some cabinet Ministers of sponsoring planned violence on opposition party members with the Finance Minister Joseph Mwanamveka being the chair.

Meanwhile, police have since made no arrests in all the incidents.



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