Women in the Tonse Alliance have condemned remarks made by President Peter Mutharika against former head of state Joyce Banda and demand immediate apology.

Yesterday in Thyolo during whistle-tour Mutharika alleged that Banda is a prostitute as she tried to lure former president the late Bingu WA Mutharika in China to sleep with her.

In a press statement made available to this publication, director of women for Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Transformation Movement (UTM) parties in the Tonse Alliance have said Mutharika’s remarks are an insult to the dignity of womanhood of Banda saying it is the most disgusting and disgraceful.

“The vulgarity to which the outgoing president has thus allowed himself to stoop is the new low for our country. It certifies him as a chauvinist with no regard for dignity of women,” reads part of the statement.

In the statement, Mai Patricia Mkanda and Mai Annie Makuta of MCP and UTM respectively, said the alliance is not shocked by Mutharika’s remarks saying there is no “depth of absurd to which Mr. Mutharika will not descend to his quest to discrete the office he is holding.”

“However, as Malawian women, we cannot stand idly by as the presidency of our country is used to launch a despicable attack on its first nd only female occupant,”

According to the statement Banda has distinguished herself as a champion for women’s rights and Mutharika’s gall to defame her womanhood is a great travesty worthy of universal repudiation.

The statement has therefore demanded that Mutharika should issue a public apology to Banda within 48 hours failing which a formal complaint will be lodged with United Nations women and demand that Mutharika’s designation as a He4She champion be stripped off.

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