THE General Overseer of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet T.B. Joshua, said he was named “Tourism Goodwill Ambassador for Israel”, following last year’s crusade in the Middle Eastern country.

Joshua released a documentary on YouTube detailing the ‘persecution’ he endured during his visit to Nazareth, followed by a ‘national award’ presented to him by the Israeli Minister of Tourism, Yariv Levin.

In June 2019, Joshua held a two-day event in the historic hometown of Jesus Christ, which attracted thousands of religious tourists from across the globe.

However, the event held at the Amphitheatre of Mount Precipice was fiercely criticised by local religious figures and nearly faced cancellation due to the intensity of attacks.

A protest was even organised with hundreds trouncing through the city in Northern Israel with placards decrying the coming event and people shouting: “Let this witch get away from us!”

Despite the ‘noise’ surrounding the event, it was held successfully with Joshua preaching a message on love and ministering “healing and deliverance in Jesus’ name” to the large crowds that gathered.

The event, which was broadcast on local television throughout Israel and featured in The New York Times and Reuters, subsequently attracted the attention of Israel’s Ministry of Tourism, which gave an award to the Nigerian cleric and made him a “Tourism Ambassador”.

“TB Joshua, on the occasion of your visit to Israel, I am honoured to recognise you as a true friend of Israel. Thank you for your support and solidarity, which are deeply appreciated. It is my pleasure to name you as a ‘Tourism Goodwill Ambassador for Israel’,” wrote Minister Levin.

Credit: thenationonlineng

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