Kondwani Nankhumwa, who is the leader of opposition in Parliament is calling for investigations into the alleged firearm training of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) youths at Ntakataka Police Training School.

Nankhumwa made the call today in parliament in which he asked the involvement of the Defense and Security Committee to look into the matter.

The issue was first raised in parliament by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) member of parliament George Chaponda during the time President Lazarus Chakwera went to the August House to answer questions from Members of the house.

Chaponda who alleged that there are 75 MCP youths at the training school asked Chakwera if the development is one of the initiative to empower youths in the country.

However, leader of the house Richard Chimwendo Banda who is also the Minister of Homeland Security raised a point of order saying that it is a matter of National security and speaker Catherine Gotani Hara sustained the order.

Since the incident, Chimwendo Banda is yet to comment on the matter.

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