The great-grandson of Former South African President Nelson Mandela has accused the country’s police of brutality conduct.

According to local publication, The South African, Mayibuye Mandela has claimed that police officers ‘kicked and restrained’ him and three others during a routine trip over the weekend.

The great-grandson of Madiba also uploaded photos to his social media pages, showing the extent of the damage to his face – and now, an almighty legal battle between the family and South Africa Police Service (SAPS) looms large.

The incident occurred on 8 May, while Mayibuye Mandela was returning home after a visit to the Mqhekezweni Great Place heritage site. That’s where the former president grew up.

But at around 20:00, they were pulled over by the authorities – and allegedly subjected to acts of police brutality.

The young Mandela states that he and his party were forced to the gravel-covered ground to be searched. Some were ‘kicked in the head’, and he personally sustained cuts above his left eye – and the ordeal has left Mayibuye scarred.

Channeling the energy of his elder relative, the youngster is refusing to stand for such treatment. Mayibuye Mandela has confirmed that he will be suing the police – and a case of brutality has already been opened.

The politically-active great-grandson wants to bring the officers accused of assault into a courtroom for their actions:

“I will deal with SAPS with the agility of a cat and the ferocity of a cornered bull. I am suing the police, the department of Bheki Cele, and a court date will be announced. Soon, I will be meeting my doctor and my legal team for the final steps.”

“The police asked to search my car – and we allowed them after they asked me. They told me to lay on my stomach on the gravel road when it was raining. I refused and said I’d get dirty, and they kicked me. Police brutality is not acceptable!”

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