The Salar de Arizaro, Argentina’s second largest salt flat, is home to one of the world’s most mysterious natural formations – Cono de Arita, a 200-meter-tall conical pyramid that’s so perfectly shaped that it appears man-made.

In fact, all through the early twentieth century, everyone was convinced that Cono de Arita, like the actual pyramids of Egypt, had been built my man. However, scientific research has since showed that this imposing formation is actually the tip of a small volcano that lacked the power to burst through the Earth’s curst and spew lava or develop a crater. Today it is considered the most perfect natural cone in the world.

There are still many unknowns regarding Cono de Arita, but what legends and archaeological evidence suggest is that it may have been used as a ceremonial site since before the arrival of the Incas. Numerous UFO “sightings” have also been reported in the area, which only adds to the mystery of the place.

Cono de Arita is sometimes referred to as “the floating volcano”, because of the optical illusion people often see when looking at the conical formation from afar. Against the vast salt flats the volcano sometimes appears to be floating.

Reaching Cono de Arita means traversing the barren Salar de Arizaro, which is no easy feat, so despite its wow factor this natural formation never really draws big crowds.

Bosnia’s mysterious pyramids have also been the topic of controversy and mysticism over the years, with scientists calling them simple hills and on businessman calling them energy pyramids built by the ancients.





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