Following public outcry on how Tonse Alliance government which is being led by President Lazarus Chakwera is operating, human Rights bodies have warned the administration.

Youth and Society (YAS) and Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) are calling the Tonse Alliance administration to desist from practicing corruption, nepotism and other uncalled practices if the wrath of Malawians is to be avoided.

The Human Rights bodies said this in a joint statement.

According to the two Human Rights bodies Tonse Administration has shown nepotistic tendencies characterized by appointments of family members and friends into various government positions.

On nepotism, the statement has condemned the appointments of President Lazarus Chakwera’s daughter and vice president Saulos Chilima’s mother-in-law as diplomats.

The statement further says, Malawians are angry to note that corruption continues despite promises by the leadership to eradicate it.

Government is yet to comment on the matter.

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