Chief Resident Magistrate Godfrey Balaka has snubbed an application by Godfrey Itaye, former director general of Macra, to dismiss his case.

Itaye is being charged along side Macra director of finance Ben Chitsonga and procurement specialist Joseph Ngalawa of authorising K8.5 million public funds to Maleto David Whitehead and Sons Limited for the purchase of Democratic Progressive Party cloth.

Lawyers for Itaye wanted the case to be dismissed because 30 days lapsed before the state had sought another date for hearing.

However, state lawyer Dziko Malunda has told the press that the application has been dismissed after the court agreeed with the state that the application was ill founded and that there was no delay that would warrant dismissal of the case.

Meanwhile, continued hearing of the case has been scheduled for 15 November, 2021.

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