Former President Peter Mutharika who is also leader of opposition Democratic Progressive party (DPP) has come under fire for shunning the funeral ceremony of former first lady Anne Muluzi at Malingunde in the capital Lilongwe.

Earlier this week Mutharika indicated that he will attend in personal the funeral of Anne Muluzi who died last week in Kenya.

But he rescinded the decisionat the 11th hour and directed former Minister of Agriculture George Chaponda to represent him at the funeral.

Mutharika did not give reasons for his absence at the funeral which has attracted thounsands of Malawians including President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his Vice Dr. Saulos Chilima.

Some Malawians took to social media to criticize Mutharika for shunning the funeral of Anne Muluzi.

Andsen Banda wrote: “Chibale cha nkhwangwa chokoma pokwera,just recently Dr Muluzi attended Mulakho wa alomwe and some days ago Atupule was with Mntharika at Njamba addressing a political rally.Today Atupele and his father are burying their loved one and all other important people in the country are in attendance expect Mntharika who has chosen to send his wife.Bwenzi leni leni limadziwika pa nthawi ya mavuto ngati iyi.I would have carried much weight had it been that Mntharika was there in person.”

Concurring with Banda’s remarks Adolf Alfonso Di Molisha wrote: “RIP shame to Peter Mutharika for his absence to such important occasion.”

On his part Blessings Modrich Nyasulu wrote: “Past 2 weeks Muthalika were together with Atupere at Njamba. He assured the nation, he is strong. Just in 14 days, BooM! He is very old, can’t attend the funeral. Nyasaland it’s something else.”

Anne Muluzi died at the age of 69.

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