Self-acclaimed Malawian prophet Austin Liabunya has yet again revealed shocking information regarding the global pandemic Coronavirus which has left nations devastated since its start in 2019.

In what he claimed world prophecies, Liabunya claims that 2022 is the mark of the beginning of the end of the global pandemic which he clearly stressed that it will not be easily accepted by the ones he alleges created the virus.

“Take 2022 as the mark for the beginning of the end of covid19 however it will not be easy to accept that it has ended as they will still try to use it to threaten the world while planning for the next Covid19-like attack,” said Liabunya.

However, the flamboyant man of God said that despite the resistance, they will all be exposed, “Consider 2022 as the year when nations and leaders and brains behind covid19 will be exposed,” he said.

Senior 1 as he is well known among his followers added that things will come to open for everyone as the resistance against this propaganda will become too much around the world.

“Many countries vaccine will begin to show side effects at a higher level and it will be followed up and exposed and many of the brains behind it will be arrested and some even die,” he said.

He added; “Because of the failure of COVID-19 to accomplish its mission they will try to introduce new pandemics but this will collide with the plague that God is pouring in the Nations for their wickedness but their new plans will quickly be exposed.”

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