An angry mob at Siyasiya  Trading Centre in Salima District killed a Parachute Battalion soldier, Corporal Kingsley Manjawira, who is suspected of robbing, a businessman, Yamikani Siliya, money amounting to K140 000.

It is reported that the suspect was living within Salima and he went to Siyasiya Trading Centre on this material day  and  as usual, the businessman, closed his shop at 7 o’clock in the evening and started off home without knowing that he was being followed.

According to James Kadadzera- National Police Spokesperson, at a short distance, it is alleged, the suspect produced a riffle and demanded money from the businessman and the businessman adhered to the demand for fear of his life.

Kadadzera said after being robbed, is it reported, the businessman shouted for help and the shout prompted other people to start a chasing him.

When the suspect was caught, the mob assaulted him to death and set his body ablaze.

He said when the police arrived at the scene, they found the suspect already dead and onlookers handed an air pistol without ammunition which was allegedly seized from the suspect.

The wife of the deceased identified the suspect and a postmortem has revealed that death was due to head injuries.

The deceased hailed from Chakwilira Village in Traditional Authority Chakhaza in Dowa

Meanwhile, police in the district condemn the act of mob justice and warn all those involved in the barbaric act that they will face  the law.

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