This was made in a recent report by Starr FM and according to the report, the female teacher is known as Yaa Linda and she is 32 years old.

It was revealed that the beautiful lady died after she was severely beaten by her lover whose name was given as Eric Sasa.

Eric is reportedly also a teacher and the incident occurred at Ejumako in the Central Region. It was revealed that the two have been staying together for more than eight years despite the fact that they are not married.

Together, they have four children and the deceased had severally asked the culprit to perform the necessary rite to make her his wife, however, he never bothered.

This forced the deceased to move out from the culprit’s house together with their four children and he reportedly told the culprit that before she will return, he must perform the rites.

Out of anger, Eric then went to the deceased house and gave her the beating of her life. Their children sought help as the lady was rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

After committing the atrocity, the culprit has vanished and the police is on a manhunt for him.

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