President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera is today expected to leave the country for United States of America as a Chair of Least Developed Countries where among other engagements he will participate in the first part of the 5th UN Conference on the LDCs which will launch the Doha Program Action on 17th March at the UN Headquarters.

According to information at hand, the plane carrying President Chakwera will depart Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) at 4pm.

Earlier this morning, Chakwera presided over the official launch of Pyxus Agriculture Limited groundnuts factory at Kanengo in Lilongwe.

In his speech Chakwera said the food processing factory by Pyxus Agriculture is a landmark achievement contracting close to 7,000 farmers and that it will increase income generation for about 30,000 people.

The plant is the second-biggest groundnuts processing factory in Africa.

Chakwera has since promised his administration’s support to private investors with such ventures.

He has stressed that Malawi’s strength is in agriculture and that as such, there is a need to build on that strength.

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