Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) church has come out of the cocoon to disclose reasons for the resignation of well-known musician cum-pastor Mlaka Maliro.

‘Vinyo Watha’ hit maker announced his resignation from the church last week. His resignation attracted mixed reactions with many claiming that all is not well in Bushiri’s church.

Others linked Bushiri’s resignation to the new song titled ‘Vinyo Watha’ which seems to attack ECG founder.

In a bid to clear the rumous hovering on the social media, ECG church through its spokesperson Ephraim Nyondo has released a statement claiming that Mlaka Maliro’s resignation is linked to his wife’s misconduct.

“There were disciplinary issues involving his wife and she was summoned to appear before the church directors in Lilongwe, Malawi.

“Pastor Mlaka followed his wife to Malawi and after noting the details of disciplinary issues his wife was summoned for, issues we can’t disclose to the public, he decided to step down,” reads in part the statement.

Nyondo added: “It must be underlined that Pastor Mlaka is a great leader. In the three years he has served our ministry—from being a resident pastor in several branches in South Africa to become the National Pastor of a nation—Pastor Mlaka showed great leadership skills as both a minister of the gospel and an administrator.”

Bushiri has since wished well Pastor Mlaka Maliro.

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