Bluewaters Lake Resort in Salima, which is managed by Serendib Hotels and Resorts, has refuted allegations that it has been discharging waste matter into Lake Malawi.

In a statement released today, Serendib Hotels and Resorts brand manager Daniel Ngwira, says after the allegations went viral on social media, they instituted an inquiry to establish facts.

Reads part of the statement: “As a responsible corporate citizen, we decided to deploy an immediate engagement with the relevant stakeholders from Malawi Environmental Protection Authority(MEPA) to find out further about this false claim knowing that recently, officers from their department visited us on a routine inspection exercise which applies to all players in the hospitality and tourism industry.”

According to the statement, there has been no proof that the allegations are true; hence, they are also investigating the motive behind the spread of the allegations.

The statement says the hotel has since submitted its concerns to Mepa, further expressing regret over the allegations.
Last week, social media was awash with reports that the hotel had been fined K5 million for alleged discharge of waste matter into the lake.


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