Police in Zomba have recovered another stolen riffle barely hours after they arrested a notorious criminal who broke into the police station and walked away with a rifle and live ammunitions.

The suspect behind the second rifle is identified as Luke Nicholas, 28 who comes from Nkawa Village, Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba District.

Reports has it that both are connected to the breaking that happened at Zomba Police Station and Kapino Estate at Thondwe in the district.

The two alongside their accomplices, who are at large, invaded Kapino Estate at Thondwe where they went away with a rifle, FN greener, and K700,000 cash after they broke into Zomba Police Station and went away with a rifle with eleven live ammunitions and two cellphones for the officers who were on duty.

The FN greener has since been recovered making it two in addition to the one that was recovered after the arrest of Phiri.

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