This particular piece talks about or better still enlighten us on expert tips on how to Know if a girl likes you.

Be receptive to compliments. If a girl compliments you, she could very well like you. This may be her way of making you feel desired. She might say things like “you have amazing eyes” or “you’re so athletic – do you play any sports?”

Observe her friends’ reactions. If you see most of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this probably means that she has told her friends about you and they’re “in the know.”

In some cases, a friend may actually be bold enough to come and tell you that her friend likes you.

When she is having a conversation with her friends and you come over, they might stop talking all of a sudden. This likely means that you were the subject of the recently ended conversation.

Notice her style. When a girl likes you, she will often try to impress you with her style.

She may choose to wear slightly revealing clothes or put on lipstick to catch your eye.

Every girl has a different sense of style, and not all girls will try to dress as aforementioned when they like somebody.

However, if you notice that the girl you’re wondering about dresses a little more nicely around you, it could be a sign that she wants to impress you.

Be mindful of gentle, friendly teasing. When a girl likes you, she may tease you lightly about certain things you do or say.

Ways of teasing include calling you out on a joke that actually wasn’t that funny, poking fun at something you’re wearing, or lightly telling you that you’re trying too hard.

Notice if she makes excuses to talk to you. She may “friend” you on social media, talk to you in person every day after class, or text you randomly.

These could be signs that this girl is intrigued and wants to get to know you more.

This alone is not a definitive sign that a girl likes you. A girl who just wants to be friends may also try to engage in conversation with you.

But if a girl tries to talk to you often, exhibits a number of flirty body language cues, and compliments you often, she may be trying to tell you that she likes you.

Notice if she mentions your relationship status. When a girl likes you, she will want to know whether you are single or not so that she can decide if she should flirt with you.

She may directly ask you if you have a girlfriend or she may use a subtler approach.

She might tease you by saying things like “I bet you went to see that movie with your girlfriend.” If you like her, use this as an opportunity to flirt back. You could say “I don’t have a girlfriend, but I have been meaning to see that movie, want to go with me Friday night?”

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