Uganda President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni may have given Ugandans a possible hint out of the ever-increasing price of bread in the East African Country.

He wants Ugandans to eat cassava instead of complaining about high bread prices.

“If there is no bread, eat cassava. Africans really confuse themselves. If there is no wheat, please eat cassava. Myself I don’t eat bread,” said Museveni.

He assured Ugandans that a solution to skyrocketing prices of commodities will eventually be found.

“The issue of skyrocketing commodity prices like petrol, fertilizers among other essential commodities is man-made by our friends in Europe. We are trying to talk to them quietly. I’m not worried. We shall find solutions. We are quietly talking to Western Europe and Russia. We shall brief you (Ugandans) about what we are doing at the right time.”

Museveni, Uganda’s 9th president has been in power since 1986, making him the longest-serving Head of State in East Africa.

Source:Nairobi Review

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