Just few hours after the Anti-Corruption Bureau arrested former Inspector General of the Malawi Police Service (MPS) George Kainja, the Chief Resident Magistrate Madalitso Khoswe Chimwaza has granted him bail.

The ACB arrested Kainja alongside Mwabi Kaluba, Deputy Commissioner of Police and Service Legal Officer for allegedly dealing corruptly with British-Malawian businessman Zuneth Sattar.

According to ACB statement on the arrest of the two, Kainja solicited an advantage from Sattar in form of a vehicle Scania and  K8.1 million to influence the award of a contract to supply 350,000 food ration packs worth K8 billion to Sattar’s Xaviar Limited.

Gift Nankhuni, a lawyer representing Kainja applied for the bail for his client.

Magistrate Chimwaza granted bail to Kainja and asked him to be reporting to the ACB every fortnight.  He has also been asked to pay a cash bond of K800, 000.

ACB’s Chief Legal Prosecution officer Victor Chiwala confirmed of the development.

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