A pedal cyclist has died after his bicycle was hit by a Scania lorry motor vehicle at Lumbadzi Trading Centre on Monday July 11, 2022.

Lumbadzi Police Spokesperson Felix Kwinyani has identified the deceased as Boniface Mtonga, 45, of Gamba village, Traditional authority Mnthalire in Chitipa district.

Kwinyani said: “The accident, which involved a Scania lorry carrying bags of cement, registration number KU 6232 was being driven by Francis Ntofu 38, of Nyang’a village, Traditional authority Mbenje in Nsanje and coming from the direction of Dowa turn off heading towards Kanengo.

“Upon arrival at at Lumbadzi trading centre, the driver lost control of the motor vehicle due to overspeeding and collided with a pedal cyclist who was  heading the same direction.”

He added that due to the impact, Mtonga (now deceased), sustained severe head injuries and was rushed to Kamuzu Central Hospital where death was pronounced upon arrival.

Currently, the driver is in police custody and will face the charge of causing death by reckless driving which is contrary to section 126(4c) of Road Traffic Act, according to Kwinyani.

Meanwhile, the police have since appealed to all road users especially drivers to always follow road safety measures to avoid accidents.

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