In Kasungu, Senior Resident Magistrate Court has today convicted and sentenced lsaac Nkhoma, 47, to 20-years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling and impregnating his 15-year old step-daughter.

The court through prosecutor Sergeant Sibongire Mpumulo, heard that during the month of June 2021, the victim’s mother went to her home village in Dedza and left the victim with the convict.

Taking advantage of his wife’s absence, the convict repeatedly defiled the victim for four days and also threatened her not to reveal the ordeal to her mother.

In November 2021, the mother to the victim noticed some changes on her daughter’s appearance which prompted her to question the victim who revealed that she was pregnant and her step father was responsible for it.

The mother then reported the matter to Kasungu Police Station who issued the victim with a referral letter and results from Kasungu District Hospital proved that the victim was five months pregnant.

Appearing in court, the convict pleaded guilty to the charge of defilement.

In submission, the state prayed for a stiffer punishment, saying that being the father, it was his responsibility to take good care of the victim, but instead he deliberately defiled the girl.

Passing the sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Biar Kamanga concurred with the state hence sentenced him to 20 years jail term to deter would-be offenders.

Nkhoma hails from Kankhubwa Village, Traditional Authority Kawamba in Kasungu district.


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