Chief Executive Officer of Shepherd Bushiri Foundation and Malawi’s Hip Hop artist Gwamba, real name Duncan Zgambo has denied having a hand in a mysterious death of his colleague Martin Nkhata alias Martse.

Over the weekend a South African based Malawian Prophet George Chikoko released a video clip narrating that the death of Martse was unnatural while naming Gwamba and his brother in-law Prophet Shepherd Bushiri being the planners of killing the Mwano hit maker.

According to the Prophet, Gwamba alongside Kelly Kambwiri also known as Kell Kay killed Martse for denying to join Satanism cult which the two, according to the prophet are members.

Without providing enough evidence of how the three are connected to the death of Martse, the self-acclaimed man of God accused them of having a hand in Martse’s death.

Writing on his verified Facebook page, Gwamba threatened to take legal action against the prophet and anyone spreading the malicious lies.

“For the sake of the love and respect that I had for my brother, I chose to stay silent and not say much… But, I have a wife and kids who will one day grow and find all these stories. This is why I will make sure my name is cleared,” Gwamba said.

According to Gwamba, he is not looking for sympathy form his followers but the truth which he believes it will eventually come out.

Read the whole statement below.

I had my first hit song (Iwe Gwamba) back in 2009. At that time, I had nothing, just my talent and hard work. People mocked me for rapping in Chichewa and said I was never gonna blow up, but God proved them wrong.

Back in 2013, I did Bola Kusache, which later one proved to be my breakthrough song. It gave me a different audience and even some endorsement deals…The main one, being the Ambassador for UNFPA Malawi. With this, I traveled to countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland, with my chichewa rap. Around the same time, I bought my first car, at 24, using money that I had saved by making music.

In 2016, I decided to start making gospel music. It’s been 6 years now, with 3 SOLD OUT CONCERTS, A LOT of HITS, still relevant and famous, and by the grace of God, the name Gwamba did not die down as many wished and predicted.

What am I saying?….I work very hard. I consistently make hit songs. When I have an event, I push very hard and you have seen it with your own eyes. As much as I have certain privileges that others may not have (which is definitely not a sin), no one should ever try to look down on my hard work, that’s wrong. You see me work hard.

I have worked for 13 years to become the brand that I am today, and I promise you, you can’t wipe that off with a foolish video in 1 day. For the sake of the love and respect that I had for my brother, I chose to stay silent and not say much….but, I have a wife and kids who will one day grow and find all these stories. This is why I will make sure my name is cleared.

Also, I’m not here to seek for your sympathy, I don’t need it. What I need is the truth which I know will eventually come out. If you choose to go with negative comments, you are welcome. If you choose to use your senses, you are also welcome…Just be sure of 1 thing; whether you choose to support or go against me, I will be perfectly fine, because I know the truth and God knows the truth.

And to those who already had personal hatred and tried to use these silly videos to demonstrate their hatred, I advise you to utilise this moment while it lasts cuz it won’t last for long.

To those who called, texted, wished me luck, thank you so much and be assured not to worry about me. I built my name with talent, hard work, passion, love, dedication and principles and I know for sure, that God can’t let all that disappear cuz 1 prophet who is trying to lift himself up by bringing others down.

As we grow, let’s always remember that success comes as a result of hardwork. Mzungu akakwanitsa chinthu timati ndiwakhama, ndiolimbikila. Pamene okuda mzako akapanga chinthu we always suspect foul play and we are quick to call them names.

I shall always keep working hard and keep my trust in God.

This comes barely few days after Ephraim Nyondo spokesperson for Bushiri also threatened to sue Jeromy Nkhata a brother to the late Martse for accusing him of the same.

Martse died on May 23, 2022 at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital where he was receiving treatment from burn wounds he suffered after the house he slept in caught fire in Mangochi.

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