ZAMBIA – SHOCK and mortuary silence gripped the Lusaka Boma Local yesterday as a frail widowed mother of Emmasdale area narrated how her 31-year old son has turned her into a punching bag.

Fifty-one year old Ruth Mwaliputa testified to the court how her own son whom she was keeping at her house enrolled her to painful fists of fury each time they had a misunderstanding.

She said following the death of her husband a few years ago, she used part of the K500,000 inheritance money to build flats on the family land she is currently staying on in Lusaka’s Emmasdale area.

But much to her shock, her son Chiti Mfula demanded that he be given his share of inheritance money which she did and he went away for three years.

After running out of resources, Mfula like the biblical prodigal son returned home frail, tired and hungry and being a loving parent that she is, Mwaliputa welcomed him back.

However, little did she know that her son would repay her love and kindness with abominable brute savagery which would lead her to the Lusaka Boma Local Court.

Mwaliputa told the court that she wanted the court to strip Mfula of the administrator ship of his late father’s estate because he was irresponsible, violent and selfish.

Despite being a stay home son who does not work or contribute anything to the family income, he demands that all the rental money from the flats is given to him and when this is not done he turns violent on his mother.

“From the time he came back I have not known peace as he beats and insults me. He has refused to work or live anywhere else he just stays home does nothing and waits for an opportunity to beat me,” Mwaluputa told the court presided by Senior Local Court Justice Linda Tembo.

But Mfula meekly denied ever laying his finger on his more saying their differences only ended in arguments although his denial was challenged by his 20-year old brother.

The young brother testified before before court that that many times he had save his mother from the monstrous Mfula who was in the habit of beating and insulting her.

After hearing the testimonies, the court revoked the administration rights from Mfula describing his behavior as disturbing.

Justice Tembo warned that Mfula risked attracting a curse from his abusive behavior towards his mother.

The court justice warned Mfula that if he ever raised his hand to beat his mother, she would personally ensure he was put behind bars.



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