A 38-year-old man of Lusaka’s John Laing Compound who has been arrested for allegedly peeping at a 12-year-old girl while she was bathing today told the court he did that because he admires the young girl with passion.

Brian Mando, a Machine Operator is charged with indecent insult or annoying females contrary to section 137(3) of the penal code.

Allegations are that Mando on the 18th January, 2021 in Lusaka was found peeping at a 12 year old girl while in her state of nakedness

It is alleged that the victim, a grade six pupil was taking a bath when the accused knocked at the bathroom door and attempted to push his way in but failed then ended up peeping at her while playing with his machine.

When the girl saw him, the man asked her not to shout enticing her with a K20 but the naked girl refused the offer and screamed for help. When asked by the court why he was peeping at her, the man replied “Lunkumbwa fye tata tapali nacimbi. Ndamukumbwa umwaiche uyu buti nshalefwaya ukumulepinga”, Mr Manda told the court.

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