Ghetto Kingkong Fredokiss real name Penjani Kalua has announced the date of the peaceful demonstrations to push for the release of 19 year old John Mussa who is serving 8 year jail sentence at Blantyre Prison commonly known as Chichiri prison.

Mussa was arrested in June this after allegedly being found with 78 plastic bags of Indian hemp. He was sentenced to eight years in prison a few days later.

According to a statement available on his official Facebook page, Fredokiss said the peaceful demonstrations will be held on September 15, 2022 in the commercial city of Blantyre.

However, Fredokiss has said that for now they will wait for the court ruling on the judicial review of Mussa’s case which is slated for September 1, 2022.

“Today we delivered our notice for our Parade in Blantyre and the date is 15 September and we have been communicated this evening that Judge has set 1 September for ruling. For now we wait for Court ruling and Map Way forward,” wrote Fredokiss.

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