Blantyre Water Board (BWB) in partnership with Blantyre City Council plans to proceed with the project to improve water accessibility and sanitation in the city.

The project will be funded by World Bank and it will involve rehabilitation and setting up of new treatment plants and sewage collection sites.

Speaking after the World Bank mission explore the proposed project sites, BWB chief executive officer Robert Hanjahanja said most of the water board’s equipment is old and need replacement.

“We are planning on installing new tanks, supply water 24 hours, bring in new meters, to upgrade the main transmission line at Chileka and reduce on losses through none revenue water,” he said.

The World Bank mission explored the project sites to appreciate the need for the project and assess requirements.

BCC director of town planning Costly Chanza said the project will improve sanitation in the city as it will help the council to rehabilitate some of its sewage collection sites and sewage pipes.

“Most of our sewage pipes are old and need to be maintained. We also plan to increase pipe network so that the water can reach those who do not have access to it,” he said.

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