Former President Peter Mutharika has saluted entrepreneur Kondwani Kachamba Ngwira who lectured and showcased various manufacturing skills to the citizenry that thronged the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) on Saturday.

Ngwira organized a free lecture on manufacturing at the Bingu International Convention Center in Lilongwe where thousands of people braved the scorching sun to grab a tip from him.

He trained Malawians on how to manufacture Maheu, Cement, Cornflakes, Soap, Powder milk and other things.

In a statement Mutharika through his spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba hailed Ngwira for his kind gesture to Malawians.

“The Former State President of the Republic of Malawi, and President of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and the entire membership of the party would like to express gratitude to Malawi’s creative entrepreneur and scientist Kondwani Kachamba Ngwira, for his selflessness and patriotism that he has been showing in training fellow citizens in the steps and methods and processes of manufacturing a wide range of useful products, locally. This is in line with DPP’s vision of skills trainings through the established Community Technical Colleges that we championed during our administration.

“As stipulated in Chapter 10 of the 2019-2024 Manifesto document, “the DPP believes in people-centered and broad based development in which opportunities are for all and no one and no place is left behind. DPP believes in bringing development to the people and not people following development.” This is the only way we can empower and create jobs for our youth and our women,” said Namalomba.

He added: “We are excited with how Kachamba is carrying out this vision and rightfully acting as the Malawi ambassador of development.”

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