As the country is facing the cholera outbreak, the Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) says it is taking big measures to help the country to curb the spread of the disease urgently.

MRCS Communications and Resource Mobilization specialist, Felix Washon, told journalists in Blantyre on Monday afternoon that although the cases are escalating, the organization is using the available K400 million to work hard in enhancing community mobilization and hygiene in the affected areas.

This was said after the ministry of Health and Finance officials toured some projects that were funded by the government at Zingwangwa health center and Namasimba primary school in Nancholi to fight Cholera, Covid 19, and natural disasters.

This comes when statistics indicate that Malawi has cumulatively registered 180 cholera deaths and 5, 932 cases with more new cases now being registered in Thyolo district.

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