Stormy rains have destroyed houses and other buildings, leaving many people homeless at Zomba Chingale.

Member of Parliament for Zomba Chingale, Lonnie Phiri said she will take part in assisting the displaced people since they lack basic needs like food, clothes, shelter.

“Children are failing to go to school because their clothes and notebooks have been destroyed,” she added.

Phiri has since appealed to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA), private sector and humanitarian agencies to respond and also to help the victims with basic needs.

“The number of affected households has gone up to 565 translating to 2,888 people, some areas in Zomba are equally affected.” He added

Some Group Village heads Masaula, Mbukwite, Balamanja and Namwiyo at Zomba Chingale have also been affected.

Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services made an announcement that many parts of Zomba District will receive rains accompanied by storm.

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