A Malawian primary school teacher Daniel Banda has killed himself inside a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church over what he described, in a suicide note as unmanageable debts.

Banda was teaching at Magogo Primary School, Elunyeni Zone in Mzimba district.

According to the suicide note Banda left, he narrated that he had debts with a lot of lending institutions and other companies in an attempt to balance his small salary.

A fellow teacher, name withheld, confirmed that Banda had complained to him about his financial situation and hinted that he would commit suicide.

He said; “Banda had debts all over. Almost every lending institution in a bid to, among others, pay school fees for children and fed for his family. The situation was hopeless.  He just decided to commit suicide.”

This is happening at a time cases of suicides are escalating in the country over related financial problems.

Police reports show that over 300 people have committed suicide from last year.

Meanwhile, people are urged to desist from normalizing suicide as a solution to their problems.

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