Two human traffickers from Chikwawa, Malawi, have been sentenced to 14 years in prison each after offering to sell an 8-year-old boy for K2 million.

Kawasi Chidothi, 35, and Enesoni Finiyasi, 19, were arrested shortly after they trafficked the boy from Bereu primary school in Chikwawa to be sold to a businessman based in Thyolo.

In court, the traffickers pleaded guilty to the charge of child trafficking and asked for leniency due to being first-time offenders.

However, First Grade Magistrate Kondani Chinangwa agreed with the prosecution’s argument that a life was at risk and that the traffickers posed a threat to society, therefore requiring a deterrent punishment.

The prosecutor, Sub-Inspector Felix Senzani, told the court that the conviction and sentencing of the two human traffickers should serve as a warning to others involved in such criminal activities.

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