On February 9, 2023, Nsanje police arrested a 27-year-old man, Chikumbutso Kustudyo, for assaulting an elderly woman accused of practicing witchcraft.

Along with Kustudyo, eight other people from the area of Traditional Authority Mbenje have been arrested for peddling witchcraft accusations.

The suspects are Rose Chibisa (25) of Mwanyang’a village, Alesi Chibisa (35), Ganizani Jimu (50) both from Chinsomba village, Tsamba Kustudyo (30), a 16-year-old boy, Peterson Christopher (21), Chintheya Masterd (18), and Maria Chibisa, all from Mayele village.

According to police reports, the suspects went to Mande’s house on February 9, claiming that she and three other women had cast a spell on their deceased relative. This resulted in a confrontation and the subsequent assault of the women.

Nsanje police spokesperson, Sub Inspector Agnes Zalakoma, has confirmed the arrests and stated that the police will continue to investigate the matter and bring the culprits to justice.

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) Chairperson, Gift Trapence, also called for a thorough investigation into the matter and for the law enforcers to bring the culprits to book.

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