Business came to a standstill in Machinjiri Township on Wednesday morning as residents took to the street to protest a delay by Blantyre City Council to rehabilitate Makalanga Bridge which was washed away by heavy floods two weeks ago.

The protesters marched from the area where the bridge was watched away to Blantyre City Council to present a petition on the matter.

The disgruntled residents led by Asabuni Phiri want the council to immediately fix the bridge, saying people in the area are having difficulties to access health services at Luwanda Health Centre.

Speaking to the press before departure Phiri who was leading the demonstrations said all what the residents want is a speed action to repair the said bridge.

He said if nothing happens the residents will hold a vigil at the August House in the capital Lilongwe up until the bridge is repaired in the area.

When contacted for comment on the matter BCC Director of Engineering Services Chimwemwe Mndelemani that the council has made an application to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets authority to get an approval on engaging a contractor for the rehabilitation works.

According to Mndelemani, construction works are estimated to take about four months.

He added that the council has identified diversions and alternative routes to be used in the affected areas which are expected to be fixed as many are in poor condition.

Meanwhile unknown man has constructed a temporary bridge where people pay MK100 to cross it. This reporter paid Mk100 to cross the washed away bridge from area 10 to Chikapa area.

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