The Court has ordered the state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) to pay its former employee Geoffrey Kapusa K5.1 million for unfair dismissal.

Kapusa, popularly known as Mr Splash, dragged MBC to court seeking damages for unfair dismissal or unfair termination of employment contract, severance allowance and reinstatement.

The former TV presenter was then awarded K12.9 million in January 2022 by Hussein which comprised K11.8 million compensation for his unfair dismissal and about K1.1 million severance allowance.

However, MBC challenged the award and sought review of the compensation arguing the assistant registrar erred in awarding Kapusa the said compensation.

In the ruling, Industrial Relations Court (IRC) Chairperson Austin Msowoya agreed with MBC and instead awarded Kapusa K5 175 867.69 which was his two months’ salary for every completed year of his seven years of service.

Below is the ruling;

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