The Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court has convicted and sentenced a 26-year-old man, Yohane Chataika, to 4 years imprisonment for breaking into a building and committing a felony therein.

The court through state prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Peter Njilagoma heard that Chataika committed the offence on the night of November 5, 2021 where he broke into a house of Brandon Kunchenga and stole a motorcycle San LG, valued at K950,000.00.

Chataika was arrested on November 11, 2021 following a tip off from a well- wisher who saw him offering for sale the stolen motorcycle.

Appearing before court, Chataika pleaded not guilty to a charge levelled against him. This prompted the state to parade four witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt and was convicted accordingly.

In mitigation, Chataika prayed for court’s leniency, stating that he is a first offender and a bread winner for his family.

However, state prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Njiragoma asked the court to impose a stiffer punishment to the convict in-order to serve as a deterrent to would-be offenders.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Christopher Makumba concurred with state’s submissions and slapped Yohane Chataika with 4 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Chataika hails from Makhasu Village in Traditional Authority Mwambo in Zomba District.


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