A Clinician at Mpemba Health Centre, Pearson Mlendo is in police custody for allegedly raping a student from Mpemba staff Development Institute name withheld.

Police in Blantyre have confirmed of the development in a statement made available to this publication.

According to the police report, the victim met her fate after approaching Mlendo for medical help after developing some itching on her private parts.

“Brief facts are that the reporter who is a victim on 25/09/2023 went to Mpemba H/Centre to seek medical attention after she was feeling pain on her private part. She found the Clinician Mr. Pearson Mlendo who after examining the victim,she gave her some drugs as medication for the disease. After taking the medication she felt that the pain was persisting and she decided to call the same clinician who advised her to see him.

“Upon reaching the Hospital she found it closed and she immediately called the clinician who told her to go to his house. When the reporter entered into his house, the suspect directed her to his bedroom where he injected her with drugs on the arm,” reads part of the police report.

Added the report: “Sooner as she was injected she felt dizzy but later she could feel that someone was on top of her. After gaining concious, she left the house not knowing that she had been raped and noticed something unusual while she was at the school Campus.

“Later, the victim informed the school matrom who took her to the hospital, thereafter reported the matter to police for action.”

The suspect will appear in court soon.

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